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四川亚西橡塑机器有限公司(原四川亚西机器厂)始建于1942年。1952年收归国有, 国家二级企业,直属四川省机械工业厅,系机械部在西南、西北地区定点生产橡胶塑料机械的大型专业厂家。

四川亚西机器厂于2002年改制更名为四川亚西橡塑机器有限公司,是中国橡胶工业协会常务理事单位、废橡胶综合利用分会副理事长单位、中国轮胎翻修与循环利用协会副会长单位、中国橡胶工业百强企业、中国必威精装下载app 循环利用装备研发基地。拥有员工920人,其中具有中高级职称的技术、管理人员153人,享有国务院政府特殊津贴的专家3人,部、厅级授予的具有突出贡献的专家17人。公司注册资本4912万元,资产总额3.5亿元。占地面积15万平方米、厂房面积10万平方米;拥有铸造、锻压、焊接、机械加工、热处理、装配等完备的加工设备800多台,建有CAD技术中心、计量检测中心、职工培训中心,和省级“必威精装下载app 及废橡胶综合利用工程技术研究中心”。

具有70多年历史的亚西,秉承“以人为本,诚信至上;精益求精,持续创新”的经营理念,正以崭新的活力飞速地发展,已成为以生产必威精装下载app 为主的综合性机械制造企业。根据《欧洲橡胶杂志》(ERJ)2012年的排名,亚西位列世界必威精装下载app 制造商的前21强。主要产品有:密炼机、开炼机、压延机、玻璃纸机,橡胶电缆炼胶生产线成套设备,及再生胶/胶粉生产线成套设备等。自1966年开始生产橡塑机械以来,“亚西”机器多次荣获省、部、国家级优质产品奖和科技进步奖。被四川省技术监督局授予“四川省质量信誉信得过单位”称号。“亚西”商标2013年正式被国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会认定为中国驰名商标。公司已通过ISO9001认证和部分产品的CE认证。亚西产品畅销全国,大量出口到南美、北美、东南亚和西亚等地区,并在印度、澳大利亚、马来西亚等国家设有销售机构。



SICHUAN YAXI RUBBER & PLASTIC MACHINE CO., LTD was founded in 1942 and used to be the only major professional manufacturer of rubber & plastic machinery in Southwest and Northwest China appointed by the Ministry of Machine-Building Industry and the Ministry of Chemical Industry. In 2002, the state-owned company was transformed into a private ownership and renamed as SICHUAN YAXI RUBBER & PLASTIC MACHINE CO., LTD

SICHUAN YAXI RUBBER & PLASTIC MACHINE CO., LTD perseveres in creating value for clients as our mission. Not only do we sell machines to clients, but also deduce together with our clients the modern commercial logic of “win-win cooperation”. We serve not simply as a Seller, but more over as a Partner trusted by clients. By means of communication and cooperation with our clients, we keep on optimizing our products and thus hand over the most suitable products to our clients. We develop ourselves upon the success of our clients in their business.

SICHUAN YAXI RUBBER & PLASTIC MACHINE CO., LTD has about 1,000 workers and staff, including 153 middle/high-ranked technicians and administrators, and 17 experts awarded by the Ministry and the Bureau for their outstanding contributions, of whom 3 experts enjoy monthly special subsidiary granted by the State Council. The site operating workers come mostly from technical school or career technical colleges with good education and technical training.

The company's registered capital is 49.12 million CNY, while the total asset is 350 million CNY. The occupation of land area is about 150,000m2, including 100,000m2 workshop area. The company possesses more than 800 processing equipments for casting, forging, pressing, welding, machining, heat-treating and assembling, as well as CAD Technical Center, Measuring & Checking Center, and Training Center for workers/staff.

With the advantages of an age-old manufacturing history, a high-level R & D team, professional operating workers and powerful mechanical processing strength, the company has won in the rubber industry its deserved positions: an executive-director unit of China Rubber Industry Association, a draftsman unit of the National Manufacturing Standards for China rubber machinery industry, a National High & New Technology Enterprise and the Researching & Manufacturing Equipment Base for China Rubber Cyclic Utilization.

Our major products are internal mixers, open mixing mills, calendars, cellophane machines, complete set of equipments for rubber-sheathed cable production lines, and complete set of equipments for reclaimed rubber/powder production lines. The annual sales revenue has exceeded 250 million CNY. The company is ranked in the first 10 rubber machinery manufactures in China and listed by ERJ (2012) at the 21st of the top of the rubber machinery manufactures in the world. Yaxi-branded machines are well sold all over China and largely exported to South America, North America, Southeast Asia, West Asia and other areas in the world.

The company is located in the well-known Chinese historical & cultural city - Leshan, 128 km away from southwest of Chengdu. In the territory, both the world famous Leshan Giant Buddha and Mt. Emei are listed by UNESCO as World Natural and Cultural Heritages. Leshan is one of the best tourist cities in China with its pleasant climate and picturesque landscape.

SICHUAN YAXI RUBBER & PLASTIC MACHINE CO., LTD. welcomes with open arms all visitors at home and abroad to our company for an investigation, intercommunication and cooperation.

公司名称: 四川亚西橡塑机器有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 四川/乐山市 公司规模:
注册资本: 4912万人民币 注册年份: 2002
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 必威精装下载app
整机 / 压延设备 整机 / 炼胶设备
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